
글로벌 링크

To the Sky, To the Sea, To Sacheon Sacheon City Council

Procedure of processing general agenda

City Council Agenda Process

  • The agenda items to be resolved at the City Council meeting are proposed by the joint signatures of not less than one fifth of the registered members, and agenda items shall include legal grounds, the signatures of the proposers and seconders, reasons for the proposal and executive summary, comparison of old and new provisions (in case of ordinances) and be submitted to the Chairman of the City Council.
  • A bill submitted to the plenary session shall be referred to the related committee, reviewed by the chairperson of the related committee and resolved by questions and discussion.
    (However, a bill may not be referred to the related committee according to the kind of the bill.)
General Meeting
  • Bill proposing
    one fifth or more of the
    enrolled council members
  • Reporting to the general meeting
    reporting the submitted bill
    (omitted in case of closing or during recession)
  • Referring to a committee
    The matters can be referred with a set period of time for deliberation
Special committee
After the explanation of a proposer and the review and report from a special member, it shall be resolved and referred to the general assembly via review of question, answers and discussion.
General Meeting
  • Reporting to the chairperson
    Progression of review, reasons of proposal, points and explanation of review results
  • Discussion
    Questions, answers and advocate/opposite's opinions
  • Resolution
    Majority attendance and majority resolution
  • Transfer
    Transfer to the execution organ within 5 days from the date of resolution

예산안과 결산안의 심사

  • 의회에 예산안 및 결산안이 제출된 때에는 시장으로부터 제안설명을 듣고 예산결산특별위원회를 구성
  • 예산결산특별위원회에서는 예산안 및 결산안에 대해 종합심사하여 본회의에 상정.
  • 본회의에서는 예산결산특별위원장의 심사보고를 들은 다음 질의토론을 거쳐 의결.
예산안 처리절차
  1. 예산안편성 제출(시장)
    회계연도 개시40일 전까지
    의회에 제출
  2. 종합심사
  3. 심의의결(본회의)
    회계연도 개시 10일 전까지
  4. 의장은 의결된 예산안을
    3일 이내에 시장에게 이송
  1. 결산안 승인 요구(시장)
    출납폐쇄후 3월 이내에 의회가 선입한
    검사위원의 검사의견서 첨부
  2. 종합심사
  3. 심의의결